The Limit from Transition Bikes on Vimeo.

Bellingham local Kelend Hawks takes his Transition Covert to the limit as he blurs the lines between all mountain and freeride and seeing just how far you can take it.
The Limit from Transition Bikes on Vimeo.
Bellingham local Kelend Hawks takes his Transition Covert to the limit as he blurs the lines between all mountain and freeride and seeing just how far you can take it.
Transition Bikes: We make $6,000 bikes in ‘Asia’, so they can be affordable.
I’m well aware of where Transition manufactures their bikes. The site isn’t just about American bikes but American riders that rip it up too.
I totally get that, and I wasn’t trying to critique the post. I also am not tearing down Keland Hawks. It’s a comment directed squarely at Transition, and saying they definitely want to have their cake and eat it too. It’s just worth baring in mind to anyone reading this that, if you’re looking at buying a bike, hey, these guys charge the same price as a bunch of other folks who are responsible Americans.
Thanks for your comments. I get where you’re coming from now.